Curriculum Vitae

A Short Presentation
ELT and CLIL expert working in the field of education for over two decades. Workshops delivered in a number of different countries around the world and participation on professional development programs with British Council, Bell International and the Spanish Ministry of Education. Co-author of the Explorers series (OUP), the Think! Do! Learn! series (OUP-CLIL) , Pandy the Panda (ELI) and author of JET: Projects Across the Curriculum (Mary Glasgow Magazines).
Areas of expertise
- Conference presentations
- English Language Teaching
- Educational videos
- Educational consultancy
- ELT and CLIL teacher training
- Materials development for ELT and CLIL publications
- Development of training materials for ELT and CLIL
- Sales training for ELT representatives
Teaching and Education
Training and conferences
Writing and editorial work
A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1 | C2 | |
English | ||||||
Spanish | ||||||
French | ||||||
Greek |
- Proven leadership and team building abilities
- Effective communicator
- Skilled presenter
- Experienced in time management, establishing priorities, and complying with deadlines
ELT and CLIL Publications
Think! Do! Learn! (co-author CLIL material), OUP-CLIL 2014
Explorers (co-author in 3rd and 4th year material), OUP, 2011
New Inspirations Online Resources (co-author of online webquests), Macmillan, 2011
Dancing English! (author of activities for songs), Espasa, 2010
My Life 3 and 4 (author of Mixed Level Workbooks for secondary), Longman, 2010
Pandy the Panda (co-author) ELI Italy, 2010
ELI ONLINE (author online materials); English Language Institute, 2010
My World 3 (Pedagogical Advisor for CLIL) Editorial Luis Vives (Edelvives) 2008
Go Ahead 3 (co-author workbook for adult course), Stanley Publishing 2007
Projects Across the Curriculum, Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic, 2006
Hello Teddy, Teddy’s Train A and B Teacher’s Books, Oxford University Press, 2006
Super Summer and Simple Summer Workbooks, (co-author)Richmond Publishing, 2006
Online resource material for secondary courses, Richmond Publishing, 2005
Storytellers 1, Storytellers 2, (co-author), Richmond Publishing, Madrid, 2004
Teacher’s Book - Storytellers 1, (co-author), Richmond Publishing, Madrid, 2004
Zoom 1 (co-author), Zoom 5 (collaborator) and Zoom 1 Teacher’s Book (author), Richmond Publishing, Madrid, 2003
New Happy Days 3 and New Happy Days 4, (collaborator), Richmond, Madrid, 2001
Happy Days Small 1 and 2, (collaborator), Richmond Publishing, Madrid, 2000
Good Times 3 and Good Times 4, (collaborator),Richmond Publishing, Madrid, 1999
Resource Pack, Good Times 3, (collaborator), Richmond Publishing, 1999
Selection of published articles
“Spring Fever”, APABAL Journal, Issue 2, April 2012
“Dealing with Differences”, The Teacher, Poland, March 2011
“Keeping Them On Their Toes”, APABAL Journal, Issue 1, March 2011
“Up the Sleeve Activities”, The Teacher, Poland, July 2009
"CLIL with Children", English Teaching Professional, Issue 57, July 2008
"Ways Teachers Can Use Computers", ELTA/British Council Newsletter, June 2008.
"Spring Fever: Content Based Activities for Springtime", The ETAS Journal, Volume 25, No. 2, Spring 2008 (ETAS: English Teachers Association Switzerland)
"CLIL in the Primary Classroom", New Standpoints, January 2008 (Mary Glasgow Magazines/Scholastic)
"Ten 5-Minute Activities to Keep Young ESL/EFL Learners on Their Toes"; Internet TESL Journal; Vol. XIII, No. 8 (August 2007)
"CLIL in the Classroom", Oxford Primary Magazine (April 2007)
"To CLIL or not to CLIL", CETA Magazine (April 2007)
"Clarifying CLIL", Oxford Teacher's Club (January 2007)
“Breaking Down Barriers”, APAC Quarterly Magazine (October 2006)
“Fun and Easy Halloween Activities”, Oxford Primary Magazine (September 2006)
“Intercultural Activities for the Primary Classroom”, TEAM Magazine, (Jan 2006)
“Content Based Christmas”, Richmond Times (December 2005)
“Starting Off on the Right Foot”, Richmond Times (September 2005)
“Breaking Down Barriers”, Richmond Times (Mayo 2005)
“Christmas Activities for Primary”, Richmond Times (December 2004)
“Keeping Them on Their Toes”, Richmond Times (September 2004)
“Puppets in Primary”, Richmond Times (April 2004)
"Great Games for Primary", Richmond Times (September 2003)
"Surviving the First Days of Primary", It's for Teachers, No. 5 (March 2003)